The Government of Tuvalu (GoT) with support from Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), as the implementing partner of Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Hub has developed the Country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) data repository. The project aimed to develop a robust greenhouse gas (GHG) data repository for Tuvalu, provide training to local staff on how to collect data, populate the data repository and training on how to extract relevant data for Tuvalu’s reporting obligations.
Tuvalu is committed to Tuvalu is committed to climate action and has submitted its Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. The Article 13 of the Paris Agreement requires countries to submit a GHG inventory as part of their biennial transparency report. For more information access,
This GHG data repository aims to assist/help the GHG inventory team of Tuvalu to fulfil the UNFCCC reporting guidelines for non-Annex I parties and in collecting activity data to ultimately meet the reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement and obligatory reporting requirements to the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
This GHG data repository tool has been developed to help Tuvalu build their institutional capacity to establish, maintain, and improve sustainable inventory management systems that produce complete, high-quality greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines. This page provides links to tools that support national GHG inventory systems development and data collection for select categories.
GHG data repository tool
The GHG data repository tool is developed to help national inventory compilers build and advance a national GHG inventory system that suits Tuvalu’s national circumstances. The Tool is composed of pre-defined instructional, seven editable templates and related supporting guides/resources. This tool is also accompanied with a [user manual (insert link)]. The user manual facilitates the compilation of consistent GHG inventories over time by:
- Providing templates for the planning as well as tracking of activities related to GHG inventory compilation, e.g. an overarching compilation plan, quality control, archiving of materials.
- Enabling the structured documentation of GHG inventory compilation approaches, e.g. with regards to data and their sources, GHG estimation methodologies and quality control approaches, but also improvement options.
The templates are pre-defined instructional, editable templates for establishing, maintaining, and improving a national GHG inventory system and related supporting templates. This Toolkit is consistent with IPCC “good practice,” the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, and the latest United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) transparency requirements (Decision 18/CMA.1 and Decision 5/CMA.3).

Template 1: Inventory Planning
This template helps the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC) initiate and manage inventory planning and provides a table to record due dates for key compilation stages. It provides tables to develop a national GHG inventory schedule and track progress with completing each template in the tool.
Template 1: Inventory planning ( Template link )
This template is accompanied by a supporting template to assists the GHG inventory team in drafting a National Inventory Inception Memorandum, which specifies a GHG inventory plan and basic procedures for compiling the GHG inventory.
Supporting Template: National GHG Inventory Inception Memorandum Template ( Template link )
Template 2: Institutional Arrangements
In accordance with the Decision 18/CMA.1, annex, paragraph 18, parties should implement and maintain national inventory arrangements, including institutional, legal and procedural arrangements that can support the continued estimation, compilation and timely preparation and submission of their national inventory reports. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Additional guidance on inventory institutional arrangements and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) that complement this Toolkit are in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 1. Additionally, recommendations for institutional arrangements, see the UNFCCC’s Handbook on institutional arrangements to support MRV/transparency of climate action and support.
Template 2: Institutional Arrangements for National Inventory Systems ( Template link )
This template is supported with additional guides, as follows:
(Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template)
Supporting Guides:
1. National GHG Inventory Coordinator: Responsibilities and Qualifications ( link )
Describes the roles and key responsibilities for the National GHG Inventory Coordinator in order to effectively manage and coordinate development of a national GHG inventory.
2. Sector Lead Roles and Responsibilities Guides ( link )
Describe the likely roles and key responsibilities for each Sector Lead for a national GHG inventory. The primary role of each Sector Lead is to manage and coordinate development of GHG emission and removal estimates for their respective sector.
3. Memorandum of Cooperation Template ( link )
For drafting an agreement between two entities working on a national GHG inventory, such as a ministry developing GHG estimates and a data provider.
4. Sample Scope of Work (SOW) ( link )
Can be used by a lead inventory agency to develop a request for proposal or task order request for services related to compiling a GHG inventory.
Template 3: Methods and Data Documentation
This template assists a GHG inventory team in documenting and the methodologies, datasets (e.g., activity data and emission factors), and assumptions used to estimate emissions and removals from each category in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and good practice. Future GHG inventory teams can refer to the completed template for each source and sink category to determine what information was collected, how the data were obtained, what methods were used, and how to reproduce estimates. This template serves as an archive for the information used to develop the GHG inventory. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Template 3: Methods and Data Documentation ( Template link )
Supporting Templates:
1. Confidentiality Agreement and Amendment Template ( link )
This template is accompanied by a supporting template for drafting an agreement between a ministry developing GHG estimates and a data provider that is supplying confidential business information (CBI) for the development of GHG estimates.
2. Activity data collection templates ( link to folder )
The GHG data repository tool encompasses activity data collection templates for relevant sectors and subsectors. [ link to folder]
Template 4: Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures (QA/QC)
The implementation of QA/QC procedures is an important part of the development of national greenhouse gas inventories. As described in the IPCC good practice guidance and uncertainty management in national greenhouse gas inventories, an adequate QA/QC programme helps improve transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness and confidence in national GHG inventories.
This template guides a GHG inventory team through the establishment of a cost-effective quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedure plan for current reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for National GHG Inventories. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Template 4: Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures ( link )
The 2006 IPCC Guidelines have a clear and informative section on QA/QC (refer Additional useful guidance and good practices in developing inventory arrangements and applying QA/QC that complement this template are also provided in Volume 1 of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (e.g., Chapter 1: Introduction to National GHG Inventories).
Template 5: Key Category Analysis (KCA)
This template facilitates development of key categories analysis consistent with future reporting requirements under the ETF for National GHG Inventories. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Template 5: Key Category Analysis ( link )
This template has to be used along with the Supporting Tool: [Key Category Analysis Tool ( link )]. The supporting tool accompanied with this template enables a GHG inventory team to determine key categories of GHG emissions and removals from GHG inventory estimates.
Template 6: Archiving System
This template is consistent with archiving guidance for future reporting requirements under the ETF for National GHG Inventories and facilitates the reproduction and update of GHG emission estimates. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Template 6: Archiving System ( link )
Template 7: National Inventory Improvement Plan (NIIP)
This template synthesizes findings for potential GHG inventory improvements including identifying improvements to methods, data, and the inventory system to improve inventory quality over time, including the transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, and accuracy of subsequent reported national GHG inventories It also helps describe specific priorities for future capacity-building projects based on the needs identified in the other templates. This template facilitates continual GHG inventory improvements. Refer to the [user manual (insert link)] to learn how to use/fill this template.
Template 7: National Inventory Improvement Plan ( link )