
The role of the National Advisory Council on Climate Change will be to provide advice to the Prime Minister on how to effectively coordinate a whole-of-government response to the challenges of climate change. The main functions of the NACCC will be to identify: 

  • actions or strategies to achieve energy efficiencies 
  • actions or strategies to increase the use of renewable energy
  •  actions or strategies to encourage the private sector and NGOs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  •  actions or strategies to ensure a whole of government response to adaptation and climate change related disaster risk reduction
  •  actions or strategies to encourage the private sector and NGOs to develop locally appropriate technologies for adaptation and climate change mitigation (reductions in greenhouse gas emissions)
  •  policy options on Tuvalu’s engagement with the international community to address climate change
  • options for funding adaptation and mitigation projects. 

The Council will also liaise with the Director of Climate Change Department (CCD) and the Tuvalu Ambassador for Climate Change, as required. The Council should also consult with representatives of the private sector, NGOs and the community. 
Membership: The National Advisory Council on Climate Change should be constituted by the following representatives: 

1 Minister for Climate Change Department - Chair

2 Director of CCD - Secretariat

3 Attorney General

4 Director of Environment

5 Director of Planning & Budget 

6 Director of Energy 

7 Director of Agriculture 

8 Director of Fisheries

9 Chief Meteorological Services

10 Director of Public Works

11 Director of Disaster

12 Director of Gender Affairs

13 Chief of Protocol

14 Director of Health

15 Director of Rural Development

16 Director of Lands & Survey

17 Coordinator TNCW

18 Coordinator TANGO  

19 Secretary EKT
The Prime Minister may attend meetings of the Council if he chooses to. 
The Director of the CCD shall provide the secretariat support for the Council and take records of all meetings. 
The Council may invite other members of government or the community to make presentations to the Council. 
Meeting: Meeting of the Council should be held at least once a month, or more or less frequently, if determined by the Prime Minister. A quorum of members shall be deemed if at least half of the representatives of the Council are present. Members of the Council may appoint alternates to represent them at any meeting.  
Reporting: The Council shall provide reports of meetings and recommendations to the Cabinet. The Secretary to Government shall chair meetings of the Council and represent the Council at Cabinet meetings. The Director of CCPDCU shall chair meetings of the Council in the absence of the Chair.  


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