Sector Lead Roles and Responsibilities Guides
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - Agriculture v1.docx
(21.55 KB)
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - Agriculture v1.docx (21.55 KB)
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - Energy v1.docx
(20.93 KB)
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - Energy v1.docx (20.93 KB)
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - IPPU v1.docx
(21.11 KB)
Sector Roles and Responsibilities - IPPU v1.docx (21.11 KB)
Describe the likely roles and key responsibilities for each Sector Lead for a national GHG inventory. The primary role of each Sector Lead is to manage and coordinate development of GHG emission and removal estimates for their respective sector.
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