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Post or visitClimate Change DepartmentMinistry of Home Affairs, Climate Change and EnvironmentGovernment of TuvaluPartnership HouseP.O BOX 81VaiakuFunafutiTuvalu Key Contacts Director of Climate ChangeMr Jamie OviaPhone (Office): +68820517Email:
Video of Te Lafiga o Tuvalu - Tuvalu's Long Term Adaptation Plan (2022)
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The Role of the Climate Change Department"Save Tuvalu to Save the World"The Climate Change Unit and National Disaster Management Office merged in May 2015. DCCD sits under the Office of the Prime Minister. It's mandate is to function as a national focal point for climate change and disaster risk management. It's role and responsibilities are to; Integrate climate change and disaster resilience into national (and sector-specific) policies and projects Coordinate national responses to climate change and disaster risksSupport Tuvalu’s involvement in climate change negotiations and disaster risk management platforms at the regional and international levels
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The Government of Tuvalu (GoT) with support from Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), as the implementing partner of Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Hub has developed the Country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) data repository. The project aimed to develop a robust greenhouse gas (GHG) data repository for Tuvalu, provide training to local staff on how to collect data, populate the data repository and training on how to extract relevant data for Tuvalu’s reporting obligations.Tuvalu is committed to Tuvalu is committed to climate action and has submitted its Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. The Article 13 of the Paris Agreement requires countries to submit a GHG inventory as part of their biennial transparency report. For more information access, This GHG data repository aims to assist/help the GHG inventory team of Tuvalu to fulfil the UNFCCC reporting guidelines for non-Annex I parties and in collecting activity data to ultimately meet the reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement and obligatory reporting requirements to the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
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The role of the National Advisory Council on Climate Change will be to provide advice to the Prime Minister on how to effectively coordinate a whole-of-government response to the challenges of climate change. The main functions of the NACCC will be to identify: actions or strategies to achieve energy efficiencies actions or strategies to increase the use of renewable energy actions or strategies to encourage the private sector and NGOs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions actions or strategies to ensure a whole of government response to adaptation and climate change related disaster risk reduction actions or strategies to encourage the private sector and NGOs to develop locally appropriate technologies for adaptation and climate change mitigation (reductions in greenhouse gas emissions) policy options on Tuvalu’s engagement with the international community to address climate changeoptions for funding adaptation and mitigation projects. The Council will also liaise with the Director of Climate Change Department (CCD) and the Tuvalu Ambassador for Climate Change, as required. The Council should also consult with representatives of the private sector, NGOs and the community. Membership: The National Advisory Council on Climate Change should be constituted by the following representatives: Department/Organisation1 Minister for Climate Change Department - Chair2 Director of CCD - Secretariat3 Attorney General4 Director of Environment5 Director of Planning & Budget 6 Director of Energy 7 Director of Agriculture 8 Director of Fisheries9 Chief Meteorological Services10 Director of Public Works11 Director of Disaster
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Pepetua E Latasi Director for Climate Change Department Work Phone: +688 20517 Email: Jamie Ovia Adaptation Policy AdvisorWork Phone: +688 20517 Email: Litiana TalakeAdaptation Policy Advisor Work Phone: +688 20517.Email: Mervina PaueliTemp - Project Development OfficerWork Phone: +688 20517Email:
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The Tuvalu Climate Change Portal is a partnership between the Tuvalu Government Depeartment of Climage Change and Disaster (DCCD) with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), supported by Australian Aid and technical assistance from Griffith University. It's aim is to enhance accessibility to relevant information on climate change and enable greater understanding on the role of the Department of Climate Change and Disaster in addressing climate change in the country by providing specific information that can be used by planners, practitioners and policy makers. The Department of Climate Change and Disaster takes reponsibility in ensuring a wider national audience is accessed to information, and it can be contacted if further information is required.Our Team - Climate Change Department (CCD) PROJECTS (Current)
On Friday, August 16th, Tuvalu proudly hosted its inaugural Global Cooperation Training Framework (GCTF) event. The nation welcomed an array of distinguished delegates, including:Minister Steve Victor from PalauJapan Ambassador Rokuichiro Michii to FijiMr. Michael Glees, Deputy Director of USAIDMr. Bear Clanry B. Salomon, Climate Change Coordinator, Ministry of Environment, Republic of the Marshall IslandsDr. Ludvig Löwemark, Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, TaiwanMr. Taiji Watanabe from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Project Coordinator for the “Project for Innovative Solutions for the Pacific Climate Change Resilience (ISPCCR)”Members of the diplomatic corps in Tuvalu, including Ambassador Andrew Lin and Australian High Commissioner to Tuvalu, Brenton GarlickRepresentatives from the World Bank, Asia Development Bank, Island Leaders, Government Officials, NGOs, Tuvalu Women Council and Tuvalu Youth Representatives.In his closing remarks, the Honorable Prime Minister of Tuvalu expressed heartfelt gratitude to Taiwan, the United States of America, Australia, Japan, and Canada for their steadfast support. “Cooperation is key, and we should leverage this platform to enhance our collaborative efforts with all partners—particularly Taiwan for financing this first-GCTF event to be hosted in Tuvalu.”Hon. Maina V. Talia, Minister of Home Affairs, Climate Change and Environment, a staunch advocate for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT), urged other nations to support the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP). “I challenge GCTF countries to seriously consider joining Tuvalu and other Pacific countries in signing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. This is the only way we can address the root causes of climate change-related sea level rise and build Tuvalu climate resilient,” he emphasized.Hon.