The climate Change Sautalaga will start off on Monday the 12th of August, 2019, and will be held Rt. Hon. Dr. Sir Tomasi Puapua Convention Center
The aim of the Sautalaga is to have an exchange of views on critical climate change issues in the region. We will be drawing on international and national experts to give presentations on key issues and propose a way forward on each item. It is anticipated that a Declaration will be developed based on the presentation and discussions. This Declaration will be on behalf of Pacific Small Island Developing States so that their views can be properly presented in an outcome document.
The Prime Minister of Tuvalu will present the Declaration coming from the Sautalaga to the Forum Leaders for their consideration
The issues that will be discussed in the Sautalaga as well as the expected outcomes include;
- The Science of Climate Change
- The impacts of Climate Change on health
- The Role of Climate Finance on building resilience
- Implications of Climate Change on the security of Pacific Island Countries
- Considering the governance of emerging altering technologies
- Expectations of COP25
- Preparing for the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit
- NDC and Low Carbon Development: Implications for SIDS
- Renewable Energy: Accessibility for SIDS
- Sustainable Sea Transport for inter-island service
- Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient
- Impacts of Climate Change on Tuna Fisheries
- Implications of sea level rise on maritime boundaries
- Ocean-Climate Nexus
- Outcomes of the Tuvalu Climate Change Youth Forum
Possible outcomes for the declaration will be finalized by the Pacific Small Island Developing States.