The purpose of this template is to help the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) develop a National Inventory Improvement Plan (NIIP). Every country should have a comprehensive improvement plan including identifying improvements to methods, data, and the inventory system to improve inventory quality over time, including the transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, and accuracy of subsequent reported national GHG inventories. Beyond identifying improvement projects, the improvement plan should also the assign a priority level to each proposed project. The plan should also provide an explanation of why certain improvement options should be considered high priority (e.g., key categories), outline implementation details (e.g., projected budget and resource needs), and indicate the time horizon for implementation (e.g., near-term such as the next inventory or long-term meaning future inventories). The plan will likely focus on improvements to key categories, consistent with IPCC good practice guidance, any priority capacity-building needs identified during technical analysis of Biennial Update Reports, Biennial Transparency Reports, or other QA/QC processes, and on all other aspects of the inventory as resources permit.Preparing and reporting an improvement plan is consistent with future reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)1. To facilitate continuous improvement, countries should identify, regularly update, and report information on areas of improvement. In addition to areas noted above, improvements should also address capacity constraints related to use of flexibility and in the future, responding to improvements identified by technical expert review teams.
The purpose of this template is to help you create a complete and accessible archive of your national GHG inventory. The template is also consistent with archiving guidance for future reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework1 (ETF) for National GHG Inventories.An inventory archive is a collection of information related to the GHG inventory compilation process, reporting, and institutional arrangements. Having easy access to such information will help:Current and future inventory compilers understand previously used data, methodologies, structures, processes, etc., so that they can prepare the inventory efficiently and in a manner that is consistent with prior inventories,Increase the sustainability of the national GHG inventory management system over time, andIncrease the transparency of current reporting under the UNFCCC (e.g., for National Communications and Biennial Update Reports), in addition to transparency of future reporting under the ETF. This can be particularly valuable for peer review processes, such as International Consultation and Analysis.The Archiving Coordinator (see roles documented in Template 2. Institutional Arrangements) is encouraged to use this template to develop an Archiving System before the national GHG inventory compilation cycle begins, and to document potential improvements to the Archiving System based on lessons learned from archiving materials or accessing these materials later. An Archiving System enables the efficient compilation of an archive that is consistent across all sectors and categories. The Archiving Coordinator may need to work with the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) and other inventory team members to develop this plan.
The supporting tool accompanied with this template enables a GHG inventory team to determine key categories of GHG emissions and removals from GHG inventory estimates.
The purpose of this template is to help you, the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) or key category analysis (KCA) lead, prepare your country’s national GHG inventory. You may use this template with other software or by following the guidance in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.[1] This template facilitates development of key category analysis consistent with future reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework[2] (ETF) for National GHG Inventories. The template and tool also accommodate the use of flexibility in meeting this requirement (e.g., using a lower threshold in identifying key categories). This template uses the IPCC methodologies to determine key categories: Approach 1. Approach 1 assesses the relevance of each category compared to total national emissions in the current year (“level assessment”), and its influence on the overall trend when comparing the current year and the base year (“trend assessment”). In the Approach 1 methodology, key categories are identified using a pre-determined cumulative emissions threshold, where key categories are those that sum to 95% of the total level when summed together in descending order of magnitude.
The purpose of this template is to help countries develop a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) plan for current reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (e.g., Biennial Update Reports) and future required reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework[1] (ETF) for National GHG Inventories. It includes a series of tables in which you may record country-specific information about QA/QC activities in order to create a QA/QC plan. It also includes three QA/QC checklists you may use to track progress of the QA/QC work done.The planning and implementation of QA/QC procedures are important parts of the development of national greenhouse gas inventories. A QA/QC plan helps identify improvement options to enhance transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability, completeness in national GHG inventories. A QA/QC plan also builds confidence in national GHG inventories. The template can help improve countries’ understanding of elements of a QA/QC plan to improve inventory management and reporting over time.To complete this template, the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) and QA/QC Coordinator, with support from other key inventory team members as required, should carry out the steps enumerated below by following the instructions above each table in this template.
The GHG data repository tool encompasses activity data collection templates for relevant sectors and subsectors.
This template is accompanied by a supporting template for drafting an agreement between a ministry developing GHG estimates and a data provider that is supplying confidential business information (CBI) for the development of GHG estimates.
The purpose of this template is to help inventory compilers document and report the methodologies, datasets (e.g., activity data and emission factors), and assumptions used to estimate emissions and removals from each category in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and good practice. This template facilitates compiling disaggregated data encouraged in current reporting requirements (e.g., Biennial Update Report). Compiling disaggregated data will be required in future reporting (i.e., under the Enhanced Transparency Framework1 for National GHG Inventories) to the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Use of the Methods and Data Documentation (MDD) template will:help current inventory compilers in drafting a National Inventory Report;support future inventory compilers in their compilation effort as they will be able to better understand previously used data, and data collection approaches and methodologies, thus increasing compilation efficiency and consistency; andallow users to reproduce past estimates, increasing the transparency of reporting, which can be particularly valuable for peer review processes.Inventory compilers/Sector or category leads (see roles documented in Template 2. Institutional Arrangements), with the support of other key inventory team members as required, are encouraged to complete this template for all categories included in the inventory.To complete this template and document your methodology, activity data, and emission factors or stock change factors for each emission or removal category, carry out the steps listed below by following the instructions above each table in this template.
This document provides a template for drafting a Scope of Work (SOW) that a lead inventory agency may use to develop a solicitation, e.g., Request for Proposal/Terms of Reference (RFP/ToR). The lead inventory agency, upon customizing this SOW to reflect national circumstances, may distribute it to seek a consultant with whom to contract to develop emission/removal estimates for the National GHG Inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, and may apply to the consultants listed in the completed Template: Institutional Arrangements. (depending on the sector).
For drafting an agreement between two entities working on a national GHG inventory, such as a ministry developing GHG estimates and a data provider.
Describe the likely roles and key responsibilities for each Sector Lead for a national GHG inventory. The primary role of each Sector Lead is to manage and coordinate development of GHG emission and removal estimates for their respective sector.
The purpose of this template is to help you establish or improve the institutional arrangements (IA) that are the foundation of your national GHG inventory management system. The template helps countries develop, maintain, and improve management and reporting of inventory arrangements and is consistent with guidance under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)1 for national GHG inventories.Institutional arrangements are formal or procedural agreements2 between the lead inventory agency, national inventory management team, and other institutions supporting inventory compilation (e.g., providing data, estimating emissions or removals, performing quality control).Your country’s IAs define the roles and responsibilities associated with preparing the national inventory, including which agencies and experts will provide what information and what tasks they will perform. This template will help your current and future inventory teams:
This document describes the potential responsibilities of the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC), depending on existing institutional arrangements and national circumstances. It also specifies the qualifications that the NIC ideally will possess in order to effectively manage and coordinate development of a National GHG Inventory. This document is part of GHG data repository tool, which key members of a national inventory team may use to design and develop a sustainable inventory system. Specifically, the NIC is encouraged to use this guide with Template 2: Institutional Arrangements, in which the NIC may indicate the designated inventory agency and inventory stakeholders (including the NIC, itself).
This document provides a template for drafting a National Inventory Inception Memorandum (Memo). This memo, when customized to your national circumstances, can be distributed by the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) to provide guidance and convey the schedule to those working on the National GHG inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, which key members of a national inventory team (such as full time staff, part time staff, or consultants) may use to design and develop a sustainable inventory system. Specifically, the NIC is encouraged to use this template with Template: Institutional Arrangements, Template: Methods and Data Documentation, Template Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Template Archiving. Additional guidance on developing GHG inventory arrangements and inventory management that complement this Toolkit are also provided in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction to National GHG Inventories.
The purpose of this template is to explain how to use the GHG data repository tool and provides tables to develop a national GHG inventory schedule and track progress with completing each template in the series. This template helps the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC) initiate and manage inventory planning and provides a table to record due dates for key compilation stages. This template can facilitate GHG inventory planning for current (i.e., Biennial Update Report, National Communications) and future (i.e., Biennial Transparency Report, National Communications) reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Under the Paris Agreement, the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established new common Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines (MPGs) for reporting under Article 13. The MPGs are based on a set of guiding principles that allow for flexibility in reporting, in light of national circumstances, while promoting the consistency, completeness, and reliability of reports. The MPGs define the reporting information to be provided, the technical expert review methods, institutional arrangements, and a process by which nations inform the national community of progress toward their goals. The ETF provides built-in flexibility to those developing countries that need it, owing to their national capacities. Through the detailed guidance on the reporting, review, and consideration processes for the information to be submitted and by making these reports publicly available, the ETF will make it possible to track the progress made by each country. In this way, it will be possible to compare a country’s actions against its plans and ambitions as described in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)2.
The Government of Tuvalu developed its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)and submitted it to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)in 2015 and ratified the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016. When the Paris Agreement cameinto force on 04 November 2016, Tuvalu’s INDC submitted in 2015 automatically becameTuvalu’s First NDC.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.