Tuvalu launches the project GEF-7 Integrated Agro-ecosystem Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Climate Resilience


The inception workshop was held in Funafuti on the 4th April 2024. This GEF-7 project is
implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership
with the Government of Tuvalu, through the Department of Agriculture, within the Ministry of
Natural Resources.

Video of Te Lafiga o Tuvalu - Tuvalu's Long Term Adaptation Plan (2022) 

Tuvalu National Adaptation Plan Framework - Desk Review Report

This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework has been developed to provide strategic
guidance to Tuvalu’s NAP process. The NAP Framework draws on a culmination of
assessments, including the findings of the integrated vulnerability assessment, detailed
desk review, and stocktake of legislation, policies and plans relevant to climate change


Climate Security

Project Coordinator: Mr Saamu Tui

Although climate change is cited as the most signifigant security threat to he south pacific, its likely effects on security and potential conflict are yet to be widely explored by the international an regional organisations present on the ground. Climate change in the pacific region has the potential for a myriad of cascading fragility and instability risks. These will affect men, women and youth differently, and vary across the region both according to timeframes under consideration and depending on the country context.

Tuvalu National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2020

Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.


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