Job / Tender Opportunity
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is looking for a qualified and suitable candidate to take up the post of Investment Officer for Tuvalu, under the Climate Finance Access Network, and be based with the Tuvalu Climate Change Department. Follow the link below to learn more details about the post and to submit your application. Applications close on Wednesday May 15th, 2024. Link: Click here for the link
Job / Tender Opportunity
The Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project under the Climate Change Department would like to advertise the public that there exists a position for a Local Consultant on a 3 month basis.The overall objective of the assignment is to:To provide technical support to the Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project in reviewing of national laws and policies relevant to establishing bilateral agreement between Tuvalu and Green Climate Fund. Applicants must have; A college degree in International Law, Economics or Public Policy (Graduate Level preferred)At least 5 years’ experience in the areas of Law and PoliciesFamiliarity with Common Law JurisdictionsFamiliarity with International AgreementsStrong Communication SkillsInterested applicants shall reflect in their applications letter how best they can perform and deliver these responsibilities. Applications must enclosed the following;Application letterLatest qualificationCopy of your CVAnd to be submitted to the Climate Change Department – Partnership House Upstairs, no later than 4pm Friday, 21st August 2020, For any queries or if you need a copy of the terms of reference for this position please feel free to check our Facebook page – Tuvalu Climate Change Department or drop an email to this email address –
Job / Tender Opportunity
POSITION TITLE: Maintenance and Operation TechnicianDURATION AND SALARY: 5 YEARS [AUD16,900] MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT: MPWIELMD, TMSLOCATION: TMS OFFICE, FUNAFUTI1. JOB PURPOSEThe Maintenance and Operation Technician (MOT) will principally support TuvaluMeteorological Service (TMS) in implementing Output 2 ‘Strengthen observations, monitoring, modelling and prediction of climate and its impacts on ocean areas and islands’, and other relevant activities of the Project.The ultimate objective of the MOT is to achieve the Project’s objective and outcomes through enhancing the national observations and monitoring networks to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Basic Observing network (GBON) standards and establish quality management systems (QMSs).2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIESThe Maintenance and Operation Technician (MOT) has the following key responsibilities:• Strengthening infrastructural and in-country technical capacity to enhance observations and monitoring networks• Responsible in securing and maintain TMS database and office network.• Conduct all troubleshooting and programming on TMS network and monitor the system.• Manage and sorted office internet & intranet network configuration• Report and discuss on technical failures and solutions.• Provide monthly technical reporting
Job / Tender Opportunity
Climate change has had a detrimental impact on Tuvalu's subsistence farmers over the past 30 years. The agricultural sector has been severely affected by increasing temperatures, sea-level rise, persistent droughts, and more intense tropical cyclones. These extreme weather conditions have further amplified storm surges, wave energy, and surface runoff during the wet season. High temperatures will also reduce agricultural productivity and damage crops, leading to food shortages and economic losses for island residents. Moreover, an increase in the number of dry days will exacerbate freshwater scarcity, already a considerable challenge in Tuvalu. Water shortages will impact local communities’ livelihoods, particularly those related to agriculture, while dry conditions will increase the risk of wildfires, damaging crucial infrastructure, ecosystems and crops. In addition, the climate threats are exacerbated by baseline drivers of degradation related to unsustainable agriculture and poor land use planning. Rising temperatures leading to droughts exacerbate saltwater intrusion into groundwater resources, contaminating the water supply. Contaminated water increases the likelihood of waterborne diseases, adversely affecting human health. To address these challenges, the Government of Tuvalu has successfully obtained a grant of USD 4.4 Million from the Least developed Country’s Fund of Global Environment Facility (GEF) for a five-year project. The project entitled “Ecosystem based adaptation for improved livelihoods in Tuvalu” will be implemented by a Project Management Unit (PMU) lead by a National Project Manager.
Job / Tender Opportunity
POSITION TITLE: NATIONAL CLIMATE DATA CONSULTANT DURATION AND SALARY: 5 YEARS [USD15,153.30 p.a. (50% SALARY IN y1)]MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT: MPWIELMD, TMS LOCATION: TMS OFFICE, FUNAFUTI REPORTS TO: National Project Implementation Coordinator1. JOB PURPOSE:The National Climate Data Consultant (NCDC) will principally support Tuvalu Meteorological Service (TMS) in implementing Sub-Activities T2.2.2 ‘Enhance climate information and impactbased forecasting’ and all relevant sub-activities under the Project.The NCDC will be responsible for leading the integration of climate data and information into decision making and planning in climate-sensitive sectors through the development and mplementation of Climate Information and Related Data Strategy. In this regard, the NCDC will build capacity among key government staff to validate data as well as share and promote it with their primary audiences.2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:The National Climate Data Consultant (NCDC) has the following key responsibilities:• Acquire on-the-ground information to inform UNEP progress reports;• Engage with Project stakeholders.• Attend National Coordination Committee (NCC), Programme Steering Committee (PSC), Programme Management Unit (PMU), Project Management Team (PMT), and other meetings, as required;• Provide technical support, including measures to address challenges to Programme implementation;• Participate in training activities• Facilitate relevant expert activities.
Job / Tender Opportunity
POSITION TITLE: NATIONAL CLIMATE EXPERT (NCE) DURATION AND SALARY: 5 YEARS [AUD22,400 p.a.(50% salary in Y1)] MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT: MPWIELMD, TMSLOCATION: TMS OFFICE, FUNAFUTI 1. JOB PURPOSE:The ultimate objective of the National Climate Expert (NCE) is to achieve the Programme’s objective and outcomes by enhancing the delivery of climate information products and services for Tuvalu, including through strengthening of weather and climate monitoring and impact-based forecasting capabilities.The National Climate Expert (NCE) will principally support Tuvalu Meteorological Service (TMS) in implementing Activities T2.1.1 Enhance national observations and monitoring networks to GBON standards and establish QMSs; and all relevant activities under the Programme.2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:The National Climate Expert (NCE) has the following key responsibilities:• Acquire on-the-ground information to inform UNEP progress reports;• Engage with Programme stakeholders.• Attend National Coordination Committee (NCC), Programme Steering Committee (PSC), Programme Management Unit (PMU), and other meetings, as required;• Provide technical support, including measures to address challenges to Programme implementation;• Participate in training activities• Facilitate relevant expert activities.
Job / Tender Opportunity
POSITION TITLE: National Finance OfficerDURATION AND SALARY: 5 YEARS [AUD22.800 p.a] MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT: MINISTRY OF FINANCE, CLIMATE CHANGE DEPARTMENT LOCATION: CCD OFFICE, TUVALU 1. JOB PURPOSE:The objective of the National Finance Officer (NFO) is to look after the day-to-dayadministrative and financial management matters of the project “Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for Resilience in 5 Island Countries of the Pacific Ocean” hereafter refers to Climate Information and Early Warning Systems (CIEWS) and ensure sustainable financing for climate services in Tuvalu. He/she will support the National Programme Implementation Coordinator (NPIC), the Tuvalu Meteorological Service and the Executing Entity (EE) - Climate Change Department to ensure sustainable financing for climate services in Tuvalu.The NFO will be responsible for providing support in the various administrative and financial management functions of the Project Management Team (PMT) and in national programme implementation. These are such matters as financial analysis, budget analysis, financial reporting, budgeting, financial planning and financial performance monitoring.The NFO will also provide support to the National Programme Implementation Coordinator (NPIC) for logistical arrangements for procurements, workshops and/or training programs, including purchase order requests, receipt and processing suppliers invoices, ensuring that programme finances are clearly maintained and updated regularly, and advising the PIM on anyproblems regarding any financial matters. In addition, the NFO will support implementation of a market assessment for climate services and development of a national policy for financing climate services.
Job / Tender Opportunity
PROJECT TITLE : NATIONAL OCEAN EXPERT DURATION AND SALARY: 5 YEARS [AUD22,400.00 p.a. (50% salary Y1)]MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT: Public Works, Infrastructure, Environment, Labour, Meteorology and Disaster. Tuvalu Meteorological Service LOCATION: TMS OFFICE, FUNAFUTI 1. JOB PURPOSEThe ultimate objective of the National Ocean Expert (NOE) is to achieve the Programme’sobjective and outcomes by establishing end-to-end ocean information services through a newocean modelling framework and integrated ocean data management system.The National Ocean Expert (NOE) will principally support Tuvalu Meteorological Service(TMS) and SPC in implementing Activity 2.2 ‘Strengthen ocean and climate modelling andimpact-based forecasting’ and all relevant activities under the Program.2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIESThe National Ocean Expert has the following key responsibilities:• Acquire on-the-ground information to inform UNEP progress reports;• Engage with Programme stakeholders.• Attend National Coordination Committee (NCC), Programme Steering Committee (PSC),Programme Management Unit (PMU), and other meetings, as required;• Provide technical support, including measures to address challenges to Programmeimplementation;• Participate in training and mentoring related to ocean science, monitoring, forecasting andocean information services;• Facilitate relevant expert activities.
Job / Tender Opportunity
Climate change has had a detrimental impact on Tuvalu's subsistence farmers over the past 30 years. The agricultural sector has been severely affected by increasing temperatures, sea-level rise, persistent droughts, and more intense tropical cyclones. These extreme weather conditions have further amplified storm surges, wave energy, and surface runoff during the wet season. High temperatures will also reduce agricultural productivity and damage crops, leading to food shortages and economic losses for island residents. Moreover, an increase in the number of dry days will exacerbate freshwater scarcity, already a considerable challenge in Tuvalu. Water shortages will impact local communities’ livelihoods, particularly those related to agriculture, while dry conditions will increase the risk of wildfires, damaging crucial infrastructure, ecosystems, and crops. In addition, the climate threats are exacerbated by baseline drivers of degradation related to unsustainable agriculture and poor land use planning. Rising temperatures leading to droughts exacerbate saltwater intrusion into groundwater resources, contaminating the water supply. Contaminated water increases the likelihood of waterborne diseases, adversely affecting human health.To address these challenges, the Government of Tuvalu has successfully obtained a grant of USD 4.4 Million from the Least Developed Country’s Fund of Global Environment Facility (GEF) for a five-year project. The project entitled “Ecosystem-based adaptation for improved livelihoods in Tuvalu” will be implemented by a Project Management Unit (PMU) led by a National Project Manager.
Job / Tender Opportunity
1. JOB PURPOSE:The ultimate objective of the National Project Implementation Coordinator (NPIC) is to achievethe Programme’s objective and outcomes through applied leadership of the Programme Team;coordinate development and implementation of the National Framework for Climate Services(NFCS); foster close cooperation with key programme partners.The NPIC will be responsible for coordinating, conducting, and supervising the day-to-dayoperation and implementation activities of the project. The NPIC will lead the Project Team andwork closely with the Project Management Unit (PMU) based at UNEP, the Department of METservices and the Executing Entity - the Climate Change Department, and locally engagedtechnical personnels and the regional Technical Partners.2. PROJECT BACKGROUNDThe overall goal of the Programme is to increase the resilience of populations in the CookIslands, Niue, Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and Tuvalu to climate changeand climate-related hazards, through the delivery of timely, accurate and actionable climate andocean information and early warnings to facilitate climate-resilient policy, planning,preparedness and response actions. The Programme will establish integrated climate and ocean information services and multihazardearly warning systems (MHEWS) in five Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS):
Job / Tender Opportunity
The Ministry of Finance through the Department of Climate Change of the Government ofTuvalu wishes to engage a suitable and qualified Tuvalu Citizen to work as a NationalProject Coordinator for the Tuvalu Managing Water Scarcity Project which is nowavailable within the Department.A request for a full Terms of Reference or Job Description will be issued to the interestedapplicant from the Climate Change Department Office during working hours. Allapplicants are to submit their applications to the Director of Climate Change at thePartnership House, Vaiaku during working hours before 4.30 pm Friday 11 August 2023.
Job / Tender Opportunity
Climate change has had a detrimental impact on Tuvalu's subsistence farmers over the past 30 years. The agricultural sector has been severely affected by increasing temperatures, sea-level rise, persistent droughts, and more intense tropical cyclones. These extreme weather conditions have further amplified storm surges, wave energy, and surface runoff during the wet season. High temperatures will also reduce agricultural productivity and damage crops, leading to food shortages and economic losses for island residents. Moreover, an increase in the number of dry days will exacerbate freshwater scarcity, already a considerable challenge in Tuvalu. Water shortages will impact local communities' livelihoods, particularly those related to agriculture, while dry conditions will increase the risk of wildfires, damaging crucial infrastructure, ecosystems, and crops. In addition, the climate threats are exacerbated by baseline drivers of degradation related to unsustainable agriculture and poor land use planning. Rising temperatures leading to droughts exacerbate saltwater intrusion into groundwater resources, contaminating the water supply. Contaminated water increases the likelihood of waterborne diseases, adversely affecting human health. To address these challenges, the Government of Tuvalu has successfully obtained a grant of USD 4.4 Million from the Least Developed Country’s Fund of Global Environment Facility (GEF) for a five-year project. The project entitled “Ecosystem-based adaptation for improved livelihoods in Tuvalu” will be implemented by a Project Management Unit (PMU) lead by a National Project Manager.
Job / Tender Opportunity
TOR for the Project Manager for the Intergrated Water Resource Management Project
Job / Tender Opportunity
This Readiness proposal will respond directly to Tuvalu’s policy and institutional context through the provision of support in building capacity in climate financing and project management, supporting private sector engagement, co-development of sectoral concept notes to meet adaptation needs, and improved coordination across sectors and stakeholders through strengthened engagement and information sharing.IF Tuvalu strengthens the capacity of all stakeholders for climate finance, project and fiduciary functions, THEN it will enhance its access to climate financing and private sector investment opportunities BECAUSE it will have a cohort of organizations specialized in climate financing and project management; two delivery partners - one a private entity nominated for accreditation - with systems and standards required for GCF accreditation; and a private sector engaged and implementing a private sector investment roadmap. The support provided will create the enabling conditions for the development of an investment pipeline of low carbon and climate resilient projects.To fully implement the country’s climate ambitions, Tuvalu will need additional financing to close the gap for climate action. This Readiness grant strengthens Tuvalu’s climate financing efforts through NDA support, direct access to finance, and capacity to achieve against its climate targets.
Job / Tender Opportunity
This Readiness proposal will respond directly to Tuvalu’s policy and institutional context through the provision of support in building capacity in climate financing and project management, supporting private sector engagement, co-development of sectoral concept notes to meet adaptation needs, and improved coordination across sectors and stakeholders through strengthened engagement and information sharing.IF Tuvalu strengthens the capacity of all stakeholders for climate finance, project and fiduciary functions, THEN it will enhance its access to climate financing and private sector investment opportunities BECAUSE it will have a cohort of organisations specialised in climate financing and project management; two delivery partners - one a private entity nominated for accreditation - with systems and standards required for GCF accreditation; and a private sector engaged and implementing a private sector investment roadmap. The support provided will create the enabling conditions for the development of an investment pipeline of low carbon and climate resilient projects.To fully implement the country’s climate ambitions, Tuvalu will need additional financing to close the gap for climate action. This Readiness grant strengthens Tuvalu’s climate financing efforts through NDA support, direct access to finance, and capacity to achieve against its climate targets.
Job / Tender Opportunity
The Tuvalu Readiness 4 project under the Climate Change Department is seeking candidates for these 2 positions; 1. Stakeholder Partnership Specialist 2. Project Development Specialist The Tuvalu Readiness 4 has an established Programme Management Unit (PMU) in Funafuti, Tuvalu with national and international professionals supporting the project and coordination with the relevant stakeholders.The Project desires to recruit a Stakeholder Engagement Specialist and Project Development Specialist who will work under the overall guidance of the Project Manager with direct supervision from the Climate Change Department and Ministry of Home Affairs, Climate Change and Environment. The Stakeholder Partnership Specialist will develop and implement stakeholder engagement plans under the project, provide support to the TANGO, TNCW, TNPSO and other relevant non-government agencies to strengthen their intitutional platforms and trainings and will also undertake stakeholder awareness activities and raise the profile of climate financing amogst sectors. He/she advocates for and represents the project and the Climate Change Department in the area of strengthening engagment with the private sector. The Project Development Specialist (PDO) will work closely with the Climate Finance Advisor under the project to provide advice and support on climate financing within the Government. He/She will work with professional services teams to develop pre-feasibility studies and concept notes for PPF applications under the Green Climate Fund.
Job / Tender Opportunity
SPREP would like to call for tenders from qualified and experienced Local Consultants to undertake the role of Project Manager, Term of Reference as Annex A2.2. Tenderers will need to provide a comprehensive proposal as outlined in the attached Terms of Refer-ence (Annex A: Terms of Reference for Project Manager).2.3. The information provided are:2.3.1 Annex A: Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Project Manager2.3.2 Annex B: SPREP Service Contract template2.3. The successful consultant must supply the services to the extent applicable, in compliance with SPREP’s Values and Code of Conduct: Including SPREP’s policy on Child Protection, Environmental Social Safeguards, Fraud Prevention & Whistleblower Protection and Gender and Social Inclusion.
Job / Tender Opportunity
The Climate Change Department would like to advertise to the public that there exists a position of an Administration & Finance Support Officer for the Managing Coastal Aquifer Project (MCAP). Successful applicants shall work full time for a period of 15 months starting from July 2023 to October 2024 with a salary package equivalent to $23,800 inclusive of all applicable benefits Applications, together with CV and other supporting documents, must be submitted in writing to the Director of the Climate Change Department, Partnership House, Vaiaku no later than 4.30pm on the 14th of July 2023. For any queries or if you need a copy of the terms of reference for this position, please feel free to contact this email address – or call 20517 or check the departments Facebook page.