This document provides a template for drafting a Scope of Work (SOW) that a lead inventory agency may use to develop a solicitation, e.g., Request for Proposal/Terms of Reference (RFP/ToR). The lead inventory agency, upon customizing this SOW to reflect national circumstances, may distribute it to seek a consultant with whom to contract to develop emission/removal estimates for the National GHG Inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, and may apply to the consultants listed in the completed Template: Institutional Arrangements. (depending on the sector).
For drafting an agreement between two entities working on a national GHG inventory, such as a ministry developing GHG estimates and a data provider.
"Te Kaniva" was the first Tuvalu climate change policy presented by the former Hon. Apisai Ielemia in 2012, refering to a "traditional travelling method of using stars and daily weather patterns by our ancestors when they go on a long journey on a fishing expedition" meaning that TCCP will help the nation chart a way through the many impacts of climate change.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.