TIVA Data Analyst: Faatupu SimetiContact : 4tupu.s@gmail.com00688 - 20517Partnership HouseDepartment of Climate Change and Disaster
Climate change has always been a threat to all countries in the world. Tuvalu a country that consists of nine small atolls with a population of approximately twelve thousand people is mostly affected by climate change. The Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) is a collection of existing secondary data and also views from the people to help carry out a vulnerability assessment. Tuvalu has signed a memorandum of understanding between its Government and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) regarding support for the Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) by the National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP GB). The collection of data from all the Islands of Tuvalu started in the beginning of this year 2018 and its still in the process of developing a TIVA Data base to improve IVA-data consistency, storage and presentation.
Institutional strengthening of Tuvalu's NDA and Preparation of Country Programme - The Tuvalu Readiness-1 project will highly support mechanisms on strengthening the NDA’s capacity and building on that capacity to deliver concise and effective measures in addressing climate finance, enhancing engagement with GCF, building on national stakeholders and private sectors, women and vulnerable groups communication whilst engaging them in decision making and voicing their opinions to build a reflective Country Programme and strategic framework.
Project Coordinator: Mr Saamu TuiAlthough climate change is cited as the most signifigant security threat to he south pacific, its likely effects on security and potential conflict are yet to be widely explored by the international an regional organisations present on the ground. Climate change in the pacific region has the potential for a myriad of cascading fragility and instability risks. These will affect men, women and youth differently, and vary across the region both according to timeframes under consideration and depending on the country context.There are a range of critical climate fragility risks emerging in the Pacific Region that will require greater examination, monitoring and coordinated action by many stakeholders at the national, regional and international level to prevent potential irrevesible economic, social, cultural and environmental damage with a range of potential security implications and a direct impact on social cohesion. Most critical issues amongst these include:
This document provides a template for drafting a Scope of Work (SOW) that a lead inventory agency may use to develop a solicitation, e.g., Request for Proposal/Terms of Reference (RFP/ToR). The lead inventory agency, upon customizing this SOW to reflect national circumstances, may distribute it to seek a consultant with whom to contract to develop emission/removal estimates for the National GHG Inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, and may apply to the consultants listed in the completed Template: Institutional Arrangements. (depending on the sector).
The Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project under the Climate Change Department would like to advertise the public that there exists a position for an International Consultant - Finance Technical Assistant on a 3 month basis.The overall objective of the assignment is to:Work together with the Ministry of Finance to identify fiduciary and project management gaps, build a project management tool and deliver trainings for the Delivery Partner to manage the tool.Applicants must have; More than 5 years of experience in financial management and financial risk analysis;Must have experience and knowledge of Pacific Islands financial context and scale.Previous experience with atoll islands or small island developing states will be highly desired.Interested applicants shall reflect in their applications letter how best they can perform and deliver these responsibilities. Applications must enclosed the following;Application letterLatest qualificationCopy of your CVAnd address to Ms. Pepetua Latasi (Director for Climate Change Department) and to be submitted to these email address & no later than 4pm Friday, 24th September 2020,Thank you and all the best!
The Tuvalu Government requires employees as well as members of Parliament, the public service, consultants, vendors, contractors, donors, and/or any other parties with a financial or operational relationship with the Government of Tuvalu to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of the Tuvalu Government, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.
This fraud policy is established to support increased awareness, understanding and transparency of the control environment to support the detection and prevention of fraud against the Government of Tuvalu.The Government of Tuvalu has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, and shall promote consistent behaviour by providing guidelines for staff, assigning responsibility for controls to positions and conducting investigations into alleged fraud.In relation to the commitment to prevent and discourage fraud the Secretary for Finance and Economic Development shall be responsible for the following items:a. Developing and maintaining effective controls to prevent fraud;b. Ensuring if fraud occurs a vigorous and prompt investigation takes place;c. Recording and reporting all cases of fraud to the Audit Committee, the Auditor-General and the Ombudsman;d. Taking appropriate disciplinary and legal action in all cases;e. Reviewing and updating the systems and procedures which did not prevent or detect a fraud from occurring, in order to prevent similar frauds from occurring in the future; andf. Investigating where fraud has occurred if there has been a failure in supervision, and taking appropriate disciplinary action where supervisory failures occurred.