This document describes the potential responsibilities of the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC), depending on existing institutional arrangements and national circumstances. It also specifies the qualifications that the NIC ideally will possess in order to effectively manage and coordinate development of a National GHG Inventory. This document is part of GHG data repository tool, which key members of a national inventory team may use to design and develop a sustainable inventory system. Specifically, the NIC is encouraged to use this guide with Template 2: Institutional Arrangements, in which the NIC may indicate the designated inventory agency and inventory stakeholders (including the NIC, itself).
This document provides a template for drafting a National Inventory Inception Memorandum (Memo). This memo, when customized to your national circumstances, can be distributed by the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) to provide guidance and convey the schedule to those working on the National GHG inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, which key members of a national inventory team (such as full time staff, part time staff, or consultants) may use to design and develop a sustainable inventory system. Specifically, the NIC is encouraged to use this template with Template: Institutional Arrangements, Template: Methods and Data Documentation, Template Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Template Archiving. Additional guidance on developing GHG inventory arrangements and inventory management that complement this Toolkit are also provided in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction to National GHG Inventories.
The purpose of this template is to explain how to use the GHG data repository tool and provides tables to develop a national GHG inventory schedule and track progress with completing each template in the series. This template helps the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC) initiate and manage inventory planning and provides a table to record due dates for key compilation stages. This template can facilitate GHG inventory planning for current (i.e., Biennial Update Report, National Communications) and future (i.e., Biennial Transparency Report, National Communications) reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Under the Paris Agreement, the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established new common Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines (MPGs) for reporting under Article 13. The MPGs are based on a set of guiding principles that allow for flexibility in reporting, in light of national circumstances, while promoting the consistency, completeness, and reliability of reports. The MPGs define the reporting information to be provided, the technical expert review methods, institutional arrangements, and a process by which nations inform the national community of progress toward their goals. The ETF provides built-in flexibility to those developing countries that need it, owing to their national capacities. Through the detailed guidance on the reporting, review, and consideration processes for the information to be submitted and by making these reports publicly available, the ETF will make it possible to track the progress made by each country. In this way, it will be possible to compare a country’s actions against its plans and ambitions as described in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)2.
This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework has been developed to provide strategicguidance to Tuvalu’s NAP process. The NAP Framework draws on a culmination ofassessments, including the findings of the integrated vulnerability assessment, detaileddesk review, and stocktake of legislation, policies and plans relevant to climate changeadaptation.
Hon. Minister Seve Paeniu, Minister for Climate Change (Finance), and our Director of Climate Change and Mitigation Policy Advisor are in Abu Dhabi attending the Pre-COP28 Meeting. The Climate & Development Ministerial Meeting convened today 29 November, 15:00 – 18:00 at the Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental, Abu Dhabi. Ministers and institution leaders discussed a draft Climate and Development Ministerial Vision and Three Priority Goals to improve adaptation finance access and delivery. Hon Minister Paeniu made a great intervention stating the perspective from Tuvalu in terms of the difficulty of accessing adaption finance, also touching upon the need for scaling all sources of adaptation finance, giving examples from MDBs and other institutions. The Minister then brought forward to the meeting Tuvalu’s innovative programmatic approach to adaption action, which is the Long Term Adaptation Plan (L-TAP). Hon. Minister finally went on to approve the Three Priority Goals and Vision of the group and encouraged continued partnerships and ambition on the way to COP 28. The Climate and Development Ministers and heads of financial institutions will reconvene next year to review progress against Climate and Development objectives and will explore a process for annual progress review up to 2030.
1.1 Project backgroundThe project, ‘Managing Coastal Aquifer in Selected Pacific SIDS’, is supported by the Global Environment Facility and is being implemented by UNDP and executed by the Disaster and Community Resilience Programme (Geoscience Energy Maritime Division) of the Pacific Community (SPC) in the Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, and Tuvalu. The four-year (2021–2024), USD 5.2 million project aims at improving the understanding, use, management and protection of coastal aquifers towards enhanced water security, including in the context of a changing climate. More specifically it aims at 1) identifying the extent, threats and the development potential of groundwater resources, 2) increasing awareness of groundwater as a water security supply source, 3) providing options for improved access to groundwater and 4) and improving aquifer protection and management, within Pacific Small Island Developing States.1.2 Mission objectives and outcomes
The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility of the UN Capital Development (UNCDF) was designed to promote climate change-resilient communitoes and local economies by establishing a stardard, internationally recognized country-based mechanism to channel climate finance to local government authorities in Least Developing Countries (LCDs) including Tuvalu. Below are the LoCAL-Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) documents that has been published to the public, mainly affected beneficiaries. If you wish to know more about the project ESS visit the following sites Kaupule Funafuti Notice boardGovernment main Building Notice boardMinistry of Local Government & Agriculture
An act to build an effective Climate Change Response and ensure Long-Term, just transition to a Climate Resilient and Lower Carbon Economy and Society and Related Matters.
The Government of Tuvalu developed its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)and submitted it to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)in 2015 and ratified the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016. When the Paris Agreement cameinto force on 04 November 2016, Tuvalu’s INDC submitted in 2015 automatically becameTuvalu’s First NDC.
COP26: Tuvalu minister Hon. Seve Paeniu makes emotional climate plea
SMALL ISLANDS DEVELOPING STATES (SIDS) - GCF SPOTLIGHTThe Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest climate finance fund dedicated to supporting developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The Tuvalu Third National Communication (TNC) Project under the Climate Change Department would like to advertise the public that there exists 2 positions for the TNC Project Coordinator TNC Project Assistant. Applicants must have; Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, Computer Science or other related fieldHave relevant experience in the field of Climate ChangeFamiliarity with national communications, and with international negotiations and processes under the UNFCCC Interested applicants shall reflect in their applications letter how best they can perform and deliver these responsibilities. Applications must enclosed the following; Application letter reflecting how best they can carry out their workLatest qualificationCopy of your CV And to be addressed to Ms. Pepetua Latasi, Director for Climate Change Department, and to be submitted to the Climate Change Department – Partnership House upstairs, Vaiaku no later than 4pm Friday, 11th August 2020, For any queries please feel free to call 20517 or drop an email to this email address – Thank you
The Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project under the Climate Change Department would like to advertise the public that there exists a position for a Local Consultant on a 3 month basis.The overall objective of the assignment is to:To provide technical support to the Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project in reviewing of national laws and policies relevant to establishing bilateral agreement between Tuvalu and Green Climate Fund. Applicants must have; A college degree in International Law, Economics or Public Policy (Graduate Level preferred)At least 5 years’ experience in the areas of Law and PoliciesFamiliarity with Common Law JurisdictionsFamiliarity with International AgreementsStrong Communication SkillsInterested applicants shall reflect in their applications letter how best they can perform and deliver these responsibilities. Applications must enclosed the following;Application letterLatest qualificationCopy of your CVAnd to be submitted to the Climate Change Department – Partnership House Upstairs, no later than 4pm Friday, 21st August 2020,For any queries or if you need a copy of the terms of reference for this position please feel free to check our Facebook page – Tuvalu Climate Change Department or drop an email to this email address –
Tuvalu - Climate Change Youth Forum (1st - 2nd, August, 2019)This youth forum was proposed by our former Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Enele Sosene Sopoaga to be held in Funafuti on the 1st and 2nd of August, 2019 and hosted under the Department of Climate Change and Disaster. This was to build on youth's involvement in Climate Change Advocacy programs and to voice out their concerns on the effects of climate change on our atoll nation, Tuvalu. This opportunity was made used by youths from all over the capital, Funafuti. Island youths, church youths to private organisations participated in this forum and formally presents their declaration at the Closing of the Climate Change Youth Forum on Friday night, 2nd of August. This involved a lot of activities from group activities to presentations by each ministry who is involved in climate change related matters under the Government of Tuvalu. Such opportunities given to our youths is what builds our generation to act and to fight together against Climate Change. What has been presented at these forum will be key stepping stones for the future of Tuvalu.
Jamie Ovia, our Mitigation and Policy advisor comments on mitigation options carried out in Tuvalu - The Atlantic "Jamie Ovia, the climate-mitigation-and-policy adviser to the Tuvalu government, says his nation sees a lot of effects from climate change, but they are doing their best to adapt. He says Tuvalu is trying to show the international community that if it can be done on a small island nation, it can be done in big nations as well. He said Tuvalu is trying to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and demand on the environment". (Taylor. A,. Aug 15, 2018)
"Te Kaniva" was the first Tuvalu climate change policy presented by the former Hon. Apisai Ielemia in 2012, refering to a "traditional travelling method of using stars and daily weather patterns by our ancestors when they go on a long journey on a fishing expedition" meaning that TCCP will help the nation chart a way through the many impacts of climate change.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.