This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework has been developed to provide strategicguidance to Tuvalu’s NAP process. The NAP Framework draws on a culmination ofassessments, including the findings of the integrated vulnerability assessment, detaileddesk review, and stocktake of legislation, policies and plans relevant to climate changeadaptation.
The Tuvalu Government requires employees as well as members of Parliament, the public service, consultants, vendors, contractors, donors, and/or any other parties with a financial or operational relationship with the Government of Tuvalu to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of the Tuvalu Government, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.
This fraud policy is established to support increased awareness, understanding and transparency of the control environment to support the detection and prevention of fraud against the Government of Tuvalu.The Government of Tuvalu has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, and shall promote consistent behaviour by providing guidelines for staff, assigning responsibility for controls to positions and conducting investigations into alleged fraud.In relation to the commitment to prevent and discourage fraud the Secretary for Finance and Economic Development shall be responsible for the following items:a. Developing and maintaining effective controls to prevent fraud;b. Ensuring if fraud occurs a vigorous and prompt investigation takes place;c. Recording and reporting all cases of fraud to the Audit Committee, the Auditor-General and the Ombudsman;d. Taking appropriate disciplinary and legal action in all cases;e. Reviewing and updating the systems and procedures which did not prevent or detect a fraud from occurring, in order to prevent similar frauds from occurring in the future; andf. Investigating where fraud has occurred if there has been a failure in supervision, and taking appropriate disciplinary action where supervisory failures occurred.