Video of Te Lafiga o Tuvalu - Tuvalu's Long Term Adaptation Plan (2022)
Tuvalu launches the project GEF-7 Integrated Agro-ecosystem Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Climate Resilience inception workshop was held in Funafuti on the 4th April 2024. This GEF-7 project isimplemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnershipwith the Government of Tuvalu, through the Department of Agriculture, within the Ministry ofNatural Resources.The programme, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to reverse land degradation,enhance local livelihoods and increase climate resilience through integrated agro-ecosystemapproach (IAE) in all the islands of Tuvalu. This initiative focuses on local food production andconsumption to decrease the reliance on imported foods and promote healthy eating. It aims atreviving traditional farming practices and embracing new technologies to increase land productivityand address the country’s land degradation challenges. The project aligns with the national efforts todefine and implement land degradation neutrality targets set under the United Nations Conventionto Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
The Tuvalu Readiness-1 Project under the Climate Change Department would like to advertise the public that there exists a position for an International Consultant - Finance Technical Assistant on a 3 month basis.The overall objective of the assignment is to:Work together with the Ministry of Finance to identify fiduciary and project management gaps, build a project management tool and deliver trainings for the Delivery Partner to manage the tool.Applicants must have; More than 5 years of experience in financial management and financial risk analysis;Must have experience and knowledge of Pacific Islands financial context and scale.Previous experience with atoll islands or small island developing states will be highly desired.Interested applicants shall reflect in their applications letter how best they can perform and deliver these responsibilities. Applications must enclosed the following;Application letterLatest qualificationCopy of your CVAnd address to Ms. Pepetua Latasi (Director for Climate Change Department) and to be submitted to these email address & no later than 4pm Friday, 24th September 2020,Thank you and all the best!