This document provides a template for drafting a Scope of Work (SOW) that a lead inventory agency may use to develop a solicitation, e.g., Request for Proposal/Terms of Reference (RFP/ToR). The lead inventory agency, upon customizing this SOW to reflect national circumstances, may distribute it to seek a consultant with whom to contract to develop emission/removal estimates for the National GHG Inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, and may apply to the consultants listed in the completed Template: Institutional Arrangements. (depending on the sector).
This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework has been developed to provide strategicguidance to Tuvalu’s NAP process. The NAP Framework draws on a culmination ofassessments, including the findings of the integrated vulnerability assessment, detaileddesk review, and stocktake of legislation, policies and plans relevant to climate changeadaptation.
Tuvalu faces several development challenges as one of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020) (TK III) addresses these challenges and provides important guidelines on Tuvalu’s sustainable development.