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Project Coordinator : Mr. Tomu Hauma Since 2015, under the sponsorship of the New Zealand Government, the Strengtening Water Security of Vulnerable Island States Project (shortened for the Water Security Project) started off in five island countries - Cook Islands, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Tokelau and Tuvalu. The project was particularly ignited by the 2011 drought epidemic in Tuvalu and thus developed to not only address impacts of drought in the five island countries but to also at least support and resolve other hazards on drinking water and its supplies. Such support has to be address through the project team efforts and the existing network of water related institutions on each of the five island countries. Thus both the Government and Civil Societies have their own part to play in the mix of addressing water problems in each of the five implementing countries. The project is regionally coordinated by the SPC, and implemented at the national level by each of the five island countries.
ObjectivesThe key objective of the project is to address impacts of drought and other hazards on drinking water supplies in each of the five implementing countries - Cook Islands, Kiribati, RMI, Tokelau and Tuvalu
Status: Completed
TIVA Data Analyst: Faatupu SimetiContact : 4tupu.s@gmail.com00688 - 20517Partnership HouseDepartment of Climate Change and Disaster
Climate change has always been a threat to all countries in the world. Tuvalu a country that consists of nine small atolls with a population of approximately twelve thousand people is mostly affected by climate change. The Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) is a collection of existing secondary data and also views from the people to help carry out a vulnerability assessment. Tuvalu has signed a memorandum of understanding between its Government and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) regarding support for the Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) by the National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP GB). The collection of data from all the Islands of Tuvalu started in the beginning of this year 2018 and its still in the process of developing a TIVA Data base to improve IVA-data consistency, storage and presentation.
Status: Completed
Project Coordinator: Mr Sitia Maheu
ObjectivesThe proposed Action takes place within the framework of an existing Financing Agreement between
the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the European Union (EU) for the implementation of the
Global Climate Change Alliance Plus - Scaling-up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) Programme. The
Action contributes to the implementation of the regional component of this Programme. This action
will be implemented in indirect management with the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Secretariat of
the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), who will enter into a Co-Delegation Agreement
with SPC as lead and coordinating organisation. A separate Grant Agreement for Euros 2.1 million will
be signed between the European Commission and the University of the South Pacific (USP). Within a
framework of close collaboration and integration, each of the three regional implementing
organizations has responsibility for delivery of a specific output as further detailed below.
The Overall Objective is to enhance climate change adaptation and resilience within ten Pacific Island
The Specific Objective is to strengthen the implementation of sector-based, but integrated, climate
change and disaster risk management strategies and plans.
The action will assist ten Pacific SIDS to address climate change impacts at the national, sub-national
and community levels in a sustainable manner and for specific sectors. The activities will adopt a
gender-sensitive and rights-based approach throughout.
the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the European Union (EU) for the implementation of the
Global Climate Change Alliance Plus - Scaling-up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) Programme. The
Action contributes to the implementation of the regional component of this Programme. This action
will be implemented in indirect management with the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Secretariat of
the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), who will enter into a Co-Delegation Agreement
with SPC as lead and coordinating organisation. A separate Grant Agreement for Euros 2.1 million will
be signed between the European Commission and the University of the South Pacific (USP). Within a
framework of close collaboration and integration, each of the three regional implementing
organizations has responsibility for delivery of a specific output as further detailed below.
The Overall Objective is to enhance climate change adaptation and resilience within ten Pacific Island
The Specific Objective is to strengthen the implementation of sector-based, but integrated, climate
change and disaster risk management strategies and plans.
The action will assist ten Pacific SIDS to address climate change impacts at the national, sub-national
and community levels in a sustainable manner and for specific sectors. The activities will adopt a
gender-sensitive and rights-based approach throughout.
Status: Completed