Project Status:

    Project Coordinator: Susan Tupulaga



    ISAAC project is a 3 year project commencing in 2017 and funded by USAID and jointly implemented by SPC, SPREP and PIFS covering 4 countries including Tuvalu, Fiji, Palau and Samoa. 

    The main focal areas of ISAAC project are awreness and capacity building, policy development, climate change adaptation divided across three main key result areas; 

    1. Intergrated Institutional frameworks and national capacity stregthened

    2. Accessing Climate Finance

    3. Regional cooperation and corrdination and stregthening

    Some of the project's achievements include; 

    1. supporting the NIE accrediation process in providing assistance to develop tools under Ministry of Finance

    2.Supporting review of Environmental Impact Assessment

    3. Establishment of Environmental Social Safeguard (ESS) as one of the requirement for NIE Accreditation process

    4. Development of Payout policy and methodology for the Tuvalu Survival Fund

    5. Supporting 20 students to persue Project Management IV Courses

    6. Supporting the development of the Climate Change Web Portal

    7. Contribute and participate in Awareness Activities

    8. Establish Data and Information for vulnerable sectors (in progress)

    9. Awareness activities on the tools/policy and regulation developed (for 2019)

    - is to strengthen the national institutional capacity of Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) to effectively plan, coordinate and respond to the adverse impacts of climate change and disaster risk. It is intended to build on existing multi-sector, whole of iland approaches that have been implemented successfully in other Pacific Countries.

    The main outcomes include;

    1.  Integrated institutional frameworks and national capacity strenghtened to support multi-sectoral approaches to climate change and disaster risks

    2. Access to climate change finance enhanced through improved capaicity, systems and tools

    3. Regional cooperation and coordination strenghtened through augmented national capacity delivered through shared laeaning to support PICs address climate and disaster risks