Early this year the Climate Champion for Tuvalu former Prime Minister Rt. Hon Enele Sosene Sopoaga committed to provide an opportunity for young people of Tuvalu to raise their voice, speak out what they need heir future to be. A Climate Change Youth Forum was convened by the Department of Climate Change and Disaster under his able leadership in Funafuti. As an outcome youths of Tuvalu produced the Funafuti Declaration on Youth and Climate Change.
An opportunity was again provided at the Climate Change Sautalaga that was convened as part of the PIF Leaders Meeting in Funafuti to allow young people of Tuvalu to present their Declaration to Forum Leaders. The message was received with great applause and respect from Leaders.
More interestingly, excessive efforts were made to take young people of Tuvalu to United Nations in New York to speak at the Youth Summit that was convened as part of the UN Secretary General's Climate Action Summit. The youths of Tuvalu proudly presented their stories, seek global support and more importantly shere their commitments to address climate change and its adverse effects.