Template 3 Methods and Data Documentation v1

The purpose of this template is to help inventory compilers document and report the methodologies, datasets (e.g., activity data and emission factors), and assumptions used to estimate emissions and removals from each category in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and good practice. This template facilitates compiling disaggregated data encouraged in current reporting requirements (e.g., Biennial Update Report). Compiling disaggregated data will be required in future reporting (i.e., under the Enhanced Transparency Framework1 for National GHG Inventories) to the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Use of the Methods and Data Documentation (MDD) template will:

  • help current inventory compilers in drafting a National Inventory Report;
  • support future inventory compilers in their compilation effort as they will be able to better understand previously used data, and data collection approaches and methodologies, thus increasing compilation efficiency and consistency; and
  • allow users to reproduce past estimates, increasing the transparency of reporting, which can be particularly valuable for peer review processes.

Inventory compilers/Sector or category leads (see roles documented in Template 2. Institutional Arrangements), with the support of other key inventory team members as required, are encouraged to complete this template for all categories included in the inventory.

To complete this template and document your methodology, activity data, and emission factors or stock change factors for each emission or removal category, carry out the steps listed below by following the instructions above each table in this template.

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