National GHG Inventory Inception Memorandum Template v1

This document provides a template for drafting a National Inventory Inception Memorandum (Memo).  This memo, when customized to your national circumstances, can be distributed by the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) to provide guidance and convey the schedule to those working on the National GHG inventory. This document is part of the GHG data repository tool, which key members of a national inventory team (such as full time staff, part time staff, or consultants) may use to design and develop a sustainable inventory system. Specifically, the NIC is encouraged to use this template with Template: Institutional Arrangements, Template: Methods and Data Documentation, Template Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Template Archiving. Additional guidance on developing GHG inventory arrangements and inventory management that complement this Toolkit are also provided in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction to National GHG Inventories.

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